• Copyright and intellectual property law

    Copyright and intellectual property law

    We can help you protect your creative content
  • IT and software law

    IT and software law

    We can advise you on all IT related contracts
  • In-House layer

    In-House layer

    We can provide complete legal services for your company

Preegal advokátní kancelář s.r.o.

Hana Krajčíková is an attorney with a passion for IT and a love for art. She helps companies and entrepreneurs with everything their business life brings. Most often in the field of commercial, software or copyright law. She provides legal services in both Czech and English, but always in the area of the Czech legal system. She can fight for her clients in court, but she prefers negotiation and agreement. That is why she is a mediator.

In her spare time, she enjoys sports, music and supporting the local community through Soběšice dětem z.s.

Pavla Nečasová is a photography lawyer and founder of fotopravo.cz blog. She specializes in copyright and corporate consulting. She uses her experience from the court practice, when she worked for example at the Supreme Court.

In her free time, she mostly photographs light painting and night landscapes, and enjoys trekking and climbing.

Intellectual property and copyright law

Do you create software, graphics, computer or mobile apps, photography or promotional videos? Let me help you protect your creative content. I'll draw up a clear and unambiguous work agreement, license agreement or collaboration agreement. I'll help you register your trademark. And even more than that.

IT & Software Law

An employee is not the same as a contractor. A license agreement is not the same as a purchase agreement. Are you developing the software with another entity? Do you need to be sure how each of you will use the software? Do you need to contract with suppliers, distributors or customers?

In-house counsel

An in-house lawyer would be nice, but it's not for a new position yet? I offer small and medium sized businesses regular work. Together, we'll handle all the common legal issues related to your business. Whether it's contractual matters, terms and conditions and GDPR or investor entry and changes to articles of association.

Who we are and what is our track record

Hana Krajčíková graduated from the Faculty of Economics and Administration and the Faculty of Law at Masaryk University in Brno. During that time, she also completed a semester study of economics in Liechtenstein at the Hochschule Liechtejnstein. But she has always been closer to law. Especially business law. She has enjoyed advocacy since 2010 and since 2014 she has been a member of the Czech Bar Association No. 15813. She discovered mediation in 2017, when she completed mediation training with the Association of Mediators of the Czech Republic. She has been mediating since then. She is constantly educating herself – She participates in workshops and seminars in the field of advocacy and mediation. And she shares her knowledge with others. She teaches teach law in business and law for creatives.

Pavla Nečasová specializes in business consulting, photography law (copyright, licensing, personality protection) and artificial intelligence law. In the field of photography law she publishes in photography magazines, lectures and founded the blog fotopravo.cz.
She is not only an attorney, but also an entrepreneur and photographer, which allows her to take a hands-on approach to her clients’ problems. She discusses the economic implications of legal decisions.

During her more than a decade of practice, she has gained experience in the field of advocacy and justice. During her time at the Supreme Court, she gained invaluable experience in appellate procedure and legal reasoning, which she uses in her practice.

  • Professional work
  • Negotiation and agreement
  • Respect and trust

Why should you choose us?

Professionalism and efficiency

We give each case as much energy and time as it requires, and the result is a job well done. We find out as much information as we can from you to suggest the best value for money solution. We resolve disputes most often by negotiation and agreement, as this is often the cheapest and quickest way.

Human approach

We understand you're not lawyers and We don't expect it. We will explain everything to you so that you understand what We am proposing and why. And so you can come to your own decision. We build personal relationships with our clients based on mutual trust and respect.


You always know what you will get and when, and how much it will cost. We usually agree on a specific price for the service provided. If this is not possible, the hourly rate is 2500,-CZK and the invoice is always accompanied by a detailed bill. In case of long-term cooperation we can agree on a more convenient monthly flat rate. The law firm is not a VAT payer.

Selected clients

See who we have already helped: